Monday, October 20, 2008

blog #174 >> Nebort

Yesterday, was my family's pumpkin carving party. It was a lot of fun, but I'm afraid I spent the bulk of the party being an introvert working on this.

Nebort! Two pumpkins, three jack-be-littles, one gourd and countless straight pins all sliced, carved, and stuck together to form a happy little robot. It was four hours of time very well spent.
What shall I make next?


  1. Nebort is fabulous! I've been through Boring before. Can't remember which side of Portland it's in, but I remember seeing it on the map. Love your hanging lanterns in your party post. I might be able to rig something like that up - thanks for the idea!

  2. Wow! He looks great! If he would survive the trip north I am sure he would win our pumpkin carving contest on Friday.
