Sunday, January 18, 2009

blog #219 >> Crocheting & Tea

Oh my, I'm afraid I've been neglecting my poor blog lately. If I stop blogging for a while it's either, because I have nothing to blog about or too much. This week it was simply too much. So in as few words as possible my past week consisted of watching the complete season two of "The Office," buying some cute shoes on sale at Target for $5, reading "The Time Machine," going to my sister's knitting night where I learned to crochet, (See my granny patches above, I'm going to start a scarf of them soon.) and went to the family birthday party and got a bunch of presents and cards. (See my teapot and tasty tea above.)
So, yep... that's pretty much my week.

1 comment:

  1. That looks so nice! I want to spend a day crocheting and drinking tea. But I'm blogging instead...
