Monday, May 10, 2010

blog #400 >> Egg Cartons and More

I finally get to post these pictures! I've been waiting to give these to my sister Carrie for at least a month now. I suppose I could have posted them sooner, but that would have spoiled the surprise.

This is the custom egg carton I painted for my sister. Now that she has chickens, she'll need a place to keep all those eggs!

And nothing says, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" like a vintage deodorant jar. This will be perfect for her homemade deodorant recipe.

And here are some other cool things I found while looking ideas on what to paint on her egg carton:

I love this idea for displaying egg cups, see here.

And just so you all realize I'm not a real genius, here's the egg carton I practically copied. See here.



  1. Your egg cartons are beautiful. Thanks for featuring my mom's vintage egg cups. Here's another spring egg bouquet.

    Violas in Eggshells

  2. So cute.. I also have an antique table collection.

  3. Great Job!! You are an artist. We at actually sell the vintage style egg carton you got your ideas from. It is extremely popular among chicken lovers. We may contact you for design ideas as we are always looking for artistic quality. Paul B, Pres.,
