Monday, December 27, 2010

blog #436 >> 2010 Books in Review

I love books! I love how they smell. I love turning the pages. I just wish I had more time to read books. Now I know it looks like I did a lot less reading this year, but I read a lot of really long books, so it all evens out in the end.

Listed below are my books in review:
2010 Reading List

Winston Spencer Churchill, The Last Lion Vol2.
William Manchester
1/10 *****
(read my review here.)

Handwriting Analysis
M. N. Bunker
2/10 *****
(see more here.)

Crayon Miscellany
Washington Irving
2/10 ***

Jane Austen
3/10 *****
(This has become my favorite
of the Jane Austen novels.)

Watership Down
Richard Adams
3/10 *****

Anna Karenina
Leo Tolstoy
5/10 ****

Rootabaga Stories
Carl Sandbug
5/10 ****
(see more here.)

Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
5/10 *****

Captain Shannon
Coulson Kernahan
5/10 ***

Star Gate
Andre Norton
5/10 ****

Animal Farm
George Orwell
5/10 ****

Sea Siege
Andre Norton
6/10 ****

The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
6/10 ****

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
7/10 ****

This is your America
Simmons & Meyer
7/10 ****

Moby Dick
Herman Melville
8/10 *****
(I remember reading an extremely condensed version of this in high school and not really liking it. Well, no wonder I didn't like it, they cut out all the good parts! What the ending is doesn't really matter if there's no build up to it. All I can say is that Herman Melville knew a lot about whales! I loved all his whale tangents and all his allegories. It's such a great book when you sit down and read the whole thing though.)

Everything is Illuminated
Jonathan Safranfoer
8/10 *
(This book was sooo horrible! I mean really really horrible! I couldn't even finish it. I'm sorry if you like it, but it wasn't meant for me.)

Judgement on Janus
Andre Norton
8/10 ***

Shirley and The Professor
Charlotte Brontë
9/10 ****

The Glory and the Dream
William Manchester
10/10 ***

The Complete Sherlock Holmes: Vol. 1
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
12/10 *****

A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens
12/10 *****

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen, Adapted by Nancy Butler and Hugo Petrus
12/10 ***
(It was very cute, but I wish the inside illustrations were done my the same person who did the cover illustration. I love that cover!)

See 2009 Reading List Here

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for reading lists!! You should add some Roald Dahl to that list- I've been rereading a lot of his children's stories, and am reminded of how innocent childhood once was. That and Quentin Blake's illustrations are wonderful. :)
