Beirut, The Flying Club Cup, which I have listened to no less than four-hundred and eighty-five times. And yes I can play some of those songs on my accordion quite well.
This morning I woke up and thought, "I get to cook my chicken today!" I have never been this excited to cook a chicken before. So whether this chicken is actually the best chicken ever or if I just pulled out all the bells and whistles when I baked it is still up for debate. Either way it is one delicious chicken! What made this chicken so amazing? I butchered it myself. Hopefully, everyone who reads this blog by now knows I'm to some psychopathic animal killer. Butchering is just the early steps of cooking a chicken that most people have never experienced. My brother invited my over to his house to help him butcher his 14 Cornish cross roasters and he gave me the runt of the batch for helping. I really thought I was going to get over there take one look at the dead chicken and say, "I really can't do this!" But it was not nearly as grisly, gory or traumatizing as I thought it would be. All in all it was pretty tame. There again I'm pretty calloused. We always raised chickens and turkeys growing up and lots of my childhood friends had farms. Plus I've cleaned my fair share of trout in my day. So, I guess butchering chickens isn't too far out of the ordinary for me. It's kinda like plucking my eyebrows, mixed with carving a pumpkin, combined with open heart surgery. Only it's way easier than open heart surgery because you don't need to put everything back...
Just don't name them. As kids we were sitting at the dinner table eating chicken when my mom outta the blue said "We're eating Brownie!" I couldn't eat anymore of Brownie after that. That was 1972 and I still miss that little rooster.
I would love to butcher my own chicken someday! That is so cool!
Just don't name them. As kids we were sitting at the dinner table eating chicken when my mom outta the blue said "We're eating Brownie!" I couldn't eat anymore of Brownie after that. That was 1972 and I still miss that little rooster.
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