Sunday, May 30, 2010

blog #402 >> Down at the Creek

Today my cabin fever finally reached the advanced stage where I MUST get outside rain or shine. Luckily for me, it rained all day up until I reached the creek and it stayed nice until I left. I ended up not even needing my coat, although the rain boots were a plus since it was a bit muddy. I saw all kinds of neat stuff down there including a deer and the largest slug I've ever seen in my life. It turned out to be a nice day despite the bursts of rain.

This is an uprooted tree that got caught in these trees during flood stage.

Here is the largest slug I've ever seen in my life. It's actually larger than my cell phone. I'm so glad I don't have slugs like this in my garden. He could eat all those baby plants in one giant gulp!

And this is his friend the snail.

I kinda wish I were still there,

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